teething baby

Teething, what to look out for

Everyone who has kids knows about teething. Its that time that a baby begins to experience their teeth cutting through the gums. This time period can start as early as 3 months or as late as over a year old. When the baby starts to get their teeth is not as important as the order that the teeth come through. Here is a chart to show the approximate times of teething. If you notice that some teeth are not coming through at all or in all random orders then there could be developmental issues with the teeth for a variety of reasons, if you are worried at all contact 0800 TALK TEETH which is a service run by the government and can organise an appointment with you closest Oral Health Therapist, better known as a school dental nurse.

When babies are teething they can be unusually grizzly and dribble a lot. They can experience unsettled sleeping with red cheeks and sometimes a slight fever. Some babies will also experience none of this and all of a sudden have teeth. Every child is different. However, if you notice bleeding, pus, or a swollen face then contact your health provider.


Schedule of baby teeth eruption

Both my boys teethed differently. My oldest didn’t experience any of the above except for red cheeks. He slept well, drank well, and was his normal self. And all of a sudden, one day, he has 2 bottom teeth! My youngest however dribbled all day long, had red cheeks, and diarrhea. He still slept well though which was lucky for us.